Манай түүхийн судалгаанд арга зүйн хувьд харгалзвал зохих зарим философи баримтлал

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In this article l have seriously concerned about the theoretical conceptions which had and still have the innovating and altering impact on knowing history in Western, but have been nominally mentioned in philosophical works of history. As the author fulfill the purpose he argued that German philosopher and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt and Austrain philosopher and linguist Ludwing Wittgenstein's linguistic philosophical conception, and French philosopher and anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss's structuralism ,and French philosopher Michel Foucault's structural and postsrtructural conception, also French philosopher Jaques Derrida and Jean-Francois Lyotard's postmodern conceptions which have an important influence on western historical investigation as methodology since last-half of twentieth century . For example:
W.Von Humboldt examined that language is through mediator between subject and object also for people , universe and God. L.Wittgenstein philosophizied that the fact that world is my world expressed that only understood language boundary by me is my world boundary.
C.Levi-Strauss noticed from structural point of view that if a historical knowledge is a conscious knowledge the knowledge will be subjective and unfair.
When M.Foucault embodies structural philosophization he suggested that history is understanding of discontinuity for continuity in history therefore the absence of regularity , absoluty and stability is understood for a man of keen observation but while he transfered to poststructuralism he expected that an author of any work is not an independent producer of the work but is a representative of ideology and a reader is not only a user but also producer.
Poststructuralists set up the conceptions concerning that world is irregular, history is a set of uncertainty (eventuality), people cease to believe in the authority and traditional values and the reality is the text wholly or partly . These conceptions are entering into postmodernism. 
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