"Өнгө" хэмээх мэдэгдэхүүнийг танин мэдэх асуудалд
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In this research article, we try to make little analyses on ''the color and shape'' which is considered as one of the basic aspects of Buddhist epistemology in the philosophical debate work by Lubsandash, Mongolian Buddhist thinker, XX century. In this respect, we touched with the three main argument methods as ''reputation others view'', ''establish own view'' including definition and division etc, and ''eliminating objections''. Concerning the aspects, we take one example on the reputation as following as, Take the subject color of white conch shell- it follows it is red - because it is color. ''You accepted the pervasion. If reason not established.'' Take the subject color of white conch- shell it follows it is white. ''If reason not established''. Take the subject color white conch shell - it follows it is white because it is one of with color white conch shell. If root is accepted. Take the subject color and it follows it is not red- because it is white. If no pervasion - there is pervasion because: white and don't have a common base, because : the two are mutual exclusive.
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Main | 431 | 1 | Yes |