Буддын ёс суртахууны сургаалын тухайд

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Because religion naturally related to morale, it preaches morale thus has an influence on individual's and social morale. Every religion has very sophisticated teachings about morale and humankind has been following them. Although teaching of all religions have goals to establish single rules of morale for human kind for habituation and abidance, the buddhist teaching of morale has been continuosly developed, enriched, systematized for many hundreds of years, and has become a whole concept (buddhist) and one of the most extensive teaching among other morale teachings, and its significance is becoming evermore important.
The basis of buddhist morale teaching is one should understand one's wrong feelings as diseases. Buddhist teaching see the goal of human life in close relationship with their morale. One of most important concepts of buddhist morale is avoidance from two extremes of life by following the medium path. The medium path is the union of eight appropriate paths. The other concept of morale teaching in Buddha's teaching is studying and guide one's spirit directed inward, restricting and pacifying one's desires, learning to win oneself, having a good conduct of oneself, and purifying one's thoughts and minds.
One of the most important aspect of buddhist morale teaching is about compassion. In a teaching of coorelation about requirements of following morale norm and standards, there is part about deeds and their reactions which teaches about giving promise for never committing wrong doing in one's mind, by tongue and by body, and to reach this one observe oath. Initiation is understood as morale, oath is understood as etiquette. The initiation is the basis for all.  
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