Лингвистик эргэлтээс постмодернизм хүртэл

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According to structuralist theory, meaning is not a private experience, but the product of a shared system of signification. The individual is more a product of the system than a producer of it. There is no natural bond between words and things; there can be no privileged connection between language and reality. In this sense, reality is also produced by language. Structuralist theory removes the human subject from its central position in the production of meaning. And since language pre-exists us, it is not we who speak, but ''language speaks us''.
However, according to the poststructuralist, the specification of meaning is and infinite and endless process. Meaning is the result of a play of difference-a movement which brings about both difference and deferral. It is in constant flux or movement, therefore we could not find the ultimate meaning. We can see our own truth in it. In this sense, we all are free to be authors.
Emerging, in part, out of poststructuralism is an enormously influential development known as postmodernism. The postmodernist theory states that the sign cease to be a mirror of reality, but become that reality, or even more real than that reality. Furthermore, while there was a time when the signs stood for something real, now they refer to little more than themselves and other signs; signs have become self-referential.
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